Have you ever thought your phone was listening to you?

Talking in private about something new, then you’re seeing ads and content about that exact topic?

No Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg aren't bugging your house or phone?

But in todays world, your private data can be used to understand you and predict your behaviour better than you can.

Think how long you’ve used the web. The past few years, since you were a teenager, your entire life?

There is a lot of your private data out there.

Every time you visit a website, make a purchase, send a message or even travel with a mobile device - you leave behind a trail of data which can be bought or used without your knowledge.

But it doesn’t stop there. 

  • Demographic Data







  • Vehicle Details

    Vehicle history

    MOT history

    Insurance history

  • Credit Information

    Credit Score

    Bankruptsy and CCJ records



  • Interests

    Visited websites

    Websites interactions

    Search history

    Sexual Orientation

    Political views

  • Location data


    Taxi rides

    Places you visit

  • Comunications


    Phone records

    Text history

    Messaging history

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Private data is no longer private

What is Data Enrichment?

Data Enrichment is when businesses, also know as data controlers share your privarte personal data with each other.

Unless you are reading your terms and conditions, this is done without your knowledge.

Once they have an email address or phone number, they can buy all of your privarte data.

Web Blocks Solution

We are giving you the power when it comes to your private data.

By joining Web Blocks, in one central space you will be able to see all of your data and see who is using it.

  • Data Control

    Delete and update specific data attributes over multiple businesses in one click or delete data by business.

  • Personalisation

    Have the option to supply temporary data for the duration of your visit preventing the need for data collection when it comes to personalised and relevant experiences on the web. 

  • Earn from your Data

    Have the option as an online buyer to temporarly provide your data to businesses and charge them to use it. You specifty what they can have, how they use it and the duration they can have it for.

    In return you get paid, not the data brokers.

  • Layer of trust

    Our platform doesn’t share any data, in fact our platforms sophisticated encryption is designed to make sure that only you have access to your data. 

    Even we can’t see your data.

Asking websites and apps not to track you isn’t enough

Data enrichment has become a problem

Web Blocks is the solution

Are you ready to claim back your data?